Monday, October 5, 2015

Limits of Language Evade Literalist Supremes

Supreme Court "originalists" would have you believe that an "original intent" can be derived from laws created in days gone by out infallible Founding Fathers.

At the same time otherwise disposed, Supreme Court "enlightened ones" would have you believe that they grok an enlightened spirituality extracted from those laws under the pretense that our infallible Founding Fathers would have wanted it that way.

In either case, what definition do our Founding Fathers give to the word, "computer"?
Is a "generic" computer different from just a "computer" and if so how?
What definition do our Founding Fathers give to the word, "science"?
Are there fundamental building blocks of "science" and if so, what are they and why?
How does originalism or enlightenment inform us?

Still under construction ...

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