Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Electronic Scholarship Denies Existence of Electrons

Good news fellow members of the Second Dark and Medieval Ages. You can use your electronic computer to go online and electronically download a self-proclaimed piece of "scholarship" that argues against the existence of electrons.

Just use your non-physical pointing device (mouse) to point to and non-physically click on this hyperlink so that the powers of magic can cause an electronic transfer of "knowledge" into your non-physical brain.

Did your magical and non-physical incantations work?

Do you see in your crystal ball viewing device where the article, "What Is a Software Patent?" promises to tell you what a software patent "is" and then doesn't?

Do you see how it explains about a "physical world" that excludes electrons?

Do you see how it calls upon the spirits of ancient texts to prove its point?

These are indeed good and relished times in the Second Dark and Medieval Ages fellow believers. Rejoice!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Spanking New Smack Down Talk

"Innovation" often comprises fooling the receiving audience into thinking they are getting something truly new and clever when in fact they are being handed a recycled pet rock dressed in bows and bovine bricks.

Take for example the "smack down" verbiage in the article titled Why the Supreme Court keeps smacking down America's top patent court.

What could be more impactful than a visual of the Nine Black Robes coming down hard on a haughty and out of control circuit court?

But it's all fakery just like many a pre-scripted wrestling show.

The "smack down" article proclaims, "If there's one institution responsible for the state of patent law today, it's the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit."

Clearly a lie.
The US Constitution informs that the exclusive power for securing to inventors the exclusive rights in their discoveries lies with Congress and no other body.

The "innovative" smack down article starts with a false misdirection and then compounds its interest in such fake foolery. If you believe wrestling shows are real then you can also believe in the gratifying smack down talk.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Bulls Barrel through Glassware Dept.

The "soft" in software is misleading just as the "supreme" in SCOTUS means not that the black robed nine are infallible.

Software is physically scratched into the glass or Mylar film on your compact disk. It is not an "abstraction".

Software is spun and rotated into the magnetic domains of your "hard" disk and hot burnt into you jumpy flash drive. It's real. It's there.

It is not the product of a leisurely weekend code fest. Even if the "Supremes" dream otherwise.

Of late, them that don't know and don't have even the inclination to learn, are crowing about the "innovative" massacre of patents dealing with computer-related inventions. Kill the inventors and kill the lawyers that brought 'em to the party they say. Less is more. Backwards is forward they say.

God bless and goodnight to us all.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Arrogance, Ignorance Parade Proud and Naked Yet Again (Go means Stop, Open means Close)

The swift shift to lucid insanity does not surprise in the wake of the "Go Ask Alice" decision by our most "Supreme" of authoritative and authoritarian courts (a.k.a. SCOTUS).

However the slope of that playground slide into a world of acid-tripped hallucinations is unexpected.

One of the well known bell weathers of faulty logic is that of "Appeal to Authority". If somebody important said it, then it must be true.

That appears to be the logic behind a recent post-Alice invalidation of yet another lawfully issued patent. "In any event,the Supreme Court has spoken, and §101 now plays an important [patent killing] role." writes Judge Wu in Eclipse IP v. McKinley Equipment (C.D. Cal. 2014)

In other words, when the dentist says, "Open wide",
some judges understand it to mean 'shut it tight'.

Even Judge Wu understands that section 101 is Congress' version of "Open wide".
How much wider can you get than:
Any machine.
Any process.
Just as long as it is new and useful.

How much wider can one go in opening the Welcome door for inventors?
Yet by some perverse logic of green being red (Go meaning Stop) and up being down, our On-Parade Naked Nine and the minions who serve as tools of the master's drool see section 101 as the shut it closed message. They see what they want to see no matter what the facts are. They've made up their story (software is "abstract") and they are going to stick to that story come America going to Hale Bob's Comet or drowning in Climate Change's waters. Welcome to Salem. This week's special, burnt crisp inventors in the computer related arts.

... still under construction
... in the same way that US patent system is still under destruction