Thursday, February 15, 2007

Ex parte Bilski --initiating a transaction is not real

Sorry folk. I'm not going to have time to expound on this one today. (Have to do that evil stuff today, you know, billable hours.) According to a recent "informative" opinion published by the Board of Appeals, Ex parte Bilski, a method claim that includes the real world action of initiating transactions between real consumers and real commodity buyers is a dream, a mere abstarction. --I haven't read deeply into it. This is just a fast & furious peek. It's a post Lundgren decision that resurrects the "technological arts" rejection. Back later. See ya.


Anonymous said...


"Bilski, Bernard L." 2007-1130 PTO "08/833,892" 1/11/2007

Anonymous said...

Publication Number: WO/2003/083605
International Application No.: PCT/US2003/008154
Publication Date: 09.10.2003
International Filing Date: 17.03.2003
Int. Class.: G06Q 30/00 (2006.01), G06Q 40/00 (2006.01)
Applicant: WEATHERWISE USA, INC. [US/US]; 12 Federal Street, One North Shore Center, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 (US).
Inventors: BILSKI, Bernie; 400 Parkview Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (US).
Agent: Kirpatrick & Lockhard LLP, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-2312 (US).
Priority Data: 10/108,089 7.03.2002 US
A method of providing one of a good or a service to at least one entity at one of a payment, rate (410), or price that is capped at a pre-determined amount (460). The least one of a capped maximum payment, (400) a capped maximum rate, a capped maximum usage (440), a capped maximum consumption, or a capped maximum price amount. The method also includes providing the good or service to the entity at one of a payment, rate, or price that may fluctuate (390), wherein the payment, rate, or price cannot exceed the capped maximum payment, capped maximum rate, capped maximum usage (370), capped maximum consumption, or capped maximum price amount (440).